
Why Do People Use Social Media?

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The gratification theory did a great job of using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to explain the human drive to social media. Humans function in a very streamlined pattern of behavior, even unconsciously. Maslow’s hierarchy of need was able to point out the ways to explain human needs in relation to social media.

We as humans are so dependent on food, water and good shelter. These were the needs Maslow deemed as very important. In addition, the gratification theory goes ahead to help us understand that we as social beings want what we want for various reasons.

For example, the gratification theory analyzed that different individuals, at the same time, use or surf the social networks for various purposes. The gratification theory suggests that some people search for stories to gossip about; some go in to write stories about themselves or their connections; others go in to see pictures of others and leave comments, if they please; while some go in to post pictures and have others comment on them; others use the social media to make money for themselves and their family.

Also, the normal exchange of goods and services are now done online through the internet. Historically, the buying of goods and services for survival or gratification have always been done on a face to face basis. Today, online markets like,, are making millions of dollars annually from people who find it convenient and easy to purchase goods and services online, via the internet.

Further, the above video gives an illustration of the research performed by some college student- Facebook group. One of their research findings shows that most college students use Facebook to maintain their relationship statues.

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Free Speech in the Internet Society Censored!

Freedom of speech! Is there any such thing as freedom of speech in the internet society? In America, certainly to an extent there is a level of freedom of expression. Recently, we as Americans have noted that our privacy in expressing our freedom in the society is limited. So, this right is also limited in the internet society.

Further, the regulation of freedom of speech limits our freedom of expression. A local carpenter once told me in a furious voice, “Why would the government tell me I have freedom of speech and I cannot tell this government a piece of my mind without been thrown in jail.” Even in our free society there are very few things one can post in the internet without getting into trouble. You express yourself on Facebook; you end up having problem without your employment.

In some other country, the government restricts what you are able to do in the internet. For example, the citizens of some Islamic nations are really restricted on how they use the social media for expression of their free speeches. In America, the government monitors every data you enter on the internet to make sure you do not make any anti American remarks.

Then! How can we ever have the free-will to express ourselves without restrictions?

Maybe, the restrictions are mediums to create social stability, a government official remarked. As humans we need to be regulated or else there will be chaos. So, the internet needs to be regulated or else there will be chaos. For that reason, some of our expressions of free speech are censored.


Facebook privacy: Come on!!!

The new Facebook privacy policy is scary!

Facebook owners beautifully titled their privacy policy, “The Data Use policy.” That title only sends out one message- if you want to use our web site these are the rules you are bound by. Though it states that users information are kept private, I feel the Facebook data use policy is just guilt statement of confession set out to avoid lawsuit. I compliment our present law system for that.

Facebook invades their customers’ privacy even without saying so directly. I was so shocked by the part of the Facebook Data Use policy titled, “Other information we receive about you,” in this URL-

Shockingly, Face book have apps to collect data from people’s devices even when theses persons are not actively logged on to Facebook at that particular time. So far, these users have logged on to Facebook with that same computer or appliance at least ones before, Facebook could access data from their computer system.

That’s creepy!

I believe our privacy should be protected. I see no understandable reason, from a consumer stand point; data could still be obtained from my personal computer or other application even after logging out of Facebook.

Come on Facebook! Don’t you guys think you are going over the edge? I would think the advertisement money should be enough.

  Video uploaded on you-tube  by Shiromasa Yamamoto on Oct 27, 2011

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Internet and The Society: Privacy and Social media Not compartible

The issue of privacy in social media is definitely a done deal. The privacy breach between individuals and social media is a constant occurrence. Even so, many people still assume that the privacy contract they sign with a social media site is actually guaranteed. Certainly, this issue should not be a problem.

Social media are definitely out there to make money. They are not just in existence to make the world a better place. Social media create these policies and they adjust it whenever they want to suit their businesses. Although, some of these social media, like twitter or Facebook, may have started by making News broadcasting networking easier and more fun, but today they make their money by selling people’s info to potential entrepreneurs who want to expand their marketing strategies and also sell their products.

Come on people!

The word, “Social Media” says it all. For me, the word social media means public property. Whoever wants to live a private life should keep away from social media. Maybe, it should be a necessity that people keep whatever information about themselves they do not want other people to access to themselves. Or if not, they should make sure their privacy settings are set in a way that protects their information, but there is no guarantee that these privacy settings are 100% effective.

On a positive phase, I will suggest that people should sell a positive brand of themselves using social media. Social media users should keep in mind that civil ethics of the internet community still applies. In other words, people should learn how to post wisely, blog intelligently to make their personal product increase in demand to potential employees, future political parties or whatever the future may hold for them.