
My property and My World: Intellectual property and a shared culture.

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Creativity and creation goes together. Creation has evolved in its creativity from time to time, from generation to generation. The human mind was designed to think and create; so came, elegant arts, music, technology and all of human’s magnificent handiwork.

Apparently, humans do not just create; they create to gain gratification from their creation. We humans are social beings. We all have needs and these needs are the vehicle to creative thinking. In such manner, people seek for various means of solving their needs. Some depend on other people’s solutions of the same problem to fulfill their needs, and some create different methods for themselves and others to use.

Our world of today cannot do without both kinds of humans- the consumers and the innovators. Without the consumers there will be no gratification for the innovators, and without the innovators there will be no gratification for the consumers. Also, both categories are interchangeable based on need, time, place, and ability.

In the internet world, for example, properties are created and gratifications are given. People upload their intellectual properties in the internet for financial or appraisal gratifications from the world seeing, using, learning, exploring, and expanding on the uploaded ideas.

The internet help create a verse audience and more market for some innovators. Some of these innovators who use the internet to gain financial gratification of their intellectual properties complain that their properties are being reproduced illegally. But, very few of them will tell you that they lost money from some consumers pirating their products. For example, Gaimen, an illustrious writer in his video on Copy Right Piracy and the Web  agrees that Piracy has helped him gain more audience.

In conclusion, intellectual properties are meant to be shared by whatever means, so far gratification is achieved. The web is the best means of exchanging these properties no matter the problem that it faces. The Web reaches more audience through assumed problem like piracy. And when an innovator reaches more audience, more intellectual gratifications are reached. Our problem should not be stopping piracy, but using it to our advantages.

Author: colinsnwafor

I love life. I always try to make my day as lovely as possible by putting smiles on people's faces. I believe that my face should be a mirror that reflects happiness and calm to everyone I come across. That is why I love smiling. I also believe that everyone plays a very important role in the society. The question is, "what role do you play?"

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