
Cyber-crime and Justification!


The World Wide Web is growing daily, so the world of crime never stops growing.  Nearly obsolete are big bank robberies with high tech machine guns and armory in developed nations. Though, cyber-crimes seem to have lesser amount of causalities, the financial loss seems to be enormously huge. To some cyber criminals– it is just a game, and not a crime.

Today, these so- called games have revolutionized in dynamic varieties making it difficult for people not to question even the most genuine enterprise. Recently, a lot of cyber criminals have started using “kick-starter– [which] is a public funding website for creative projects,” as a means to dupe their victims. Thereby, making a lot of donors question the authenticity of the original kick-starter website. Apparently, these donors would not be blamed for trying to save themselves from being duped. But, the financial support of these talented persons all over the world is in jeopardy.

Further, the number of people who have lost their life-savings to these- so called lucky gamers –is embarrassing. Just in 2000, an American lost his life savings to some Nigerian cyber- criminals known as 419. These guys send random email to their victims in promise for oil, land, and riches of some sort. Unfortunately, a middle aged lady bought into it and sent them her life-savings. If both parties were greedy it is not in my opinion to say. What matters is that the crime was committed.

Fortunately, there have been growing solutions to cyber-crimes. In some countries in Europe, the government have created some sort of strategies to improve cyber security. Some others have cyber police who monitor the web to make sure crime is controlled. In Nigeria, some American News reporters work with the government to track and catch cyber- criminals in internet cafes. There have been enormous improvements, but does this mean that crime can be abated? No. Like other crimes, it won’t be completely ceased, but a reduction in the amount of people engaging in these crimes will decline a great deal.

Author: colinsnwafor

I love life. I always try to make my day as lovely as possible by putting smiles on people's faces. I believe that my face should be a mirror that reflects happiness and calm to everyone I come across. That is why I love smiling. I also believe that everyone plays a very important role in the society. The question is, "what role do you play?"

2 thoughts on “Cyber-crime and Justification!

  1. This article is very enlightening. I too have seen types of crime similar to what you are describing. I have responded to ads on craigslist, only to receive a reply from an individual from Nigeria. This individual wanted me to wire him a certain amount of money, and said he would ship the items upon a processed payment. Right away I realized not to fall into the trap of the scheme. i later did some research and found out that many schemes originate from foreign countries, and so that supported my opinion that my case earlier was in fact a ploy to steal money. I never heard of such a scam such as the kick-start scam until I read this blog.

    • @ thanh73 Thanks for your comment. I am really glad that you could relate to this article. The issue of cyber crimes in third world countries is getting so serious because of the economic state. People have realized that it is an easier way of making money, and a lot of these criminals now engage in it without any second thought of what the victims are going through both emotionally and financially.

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