
With great technology comes great responsibility

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Since the coming of the internet, technology has accounted enormous growth. Just from the beginning of the Y2K, phone companies- like Apple, Blackberry, Android, Nokia, and the rest of them- have produced more sophisticated technology that people never imaged of. Thanks to the availability of the internet. Now, a lot more can be done with a cell phone than was ever done 30- 40 years ago with a computer. Yet, a lot of critics still seek answer to this question, “How has the internet influence the quality of human life?”

Sociologists would suggest that to get the answer to this question the unit of the society- the family– should be assessed. In most part of the world family values are passed on from generation to generation through quality family times spent talking to one another in the dining table.

Today, most family times are spent either on the internet and all its supporting technologies. Most kids today do not have the patience to listened to grandma and grandpa tell them wise stories of old, these kids would rather be on their phone all day.

Further, the institution of marriage, which is the binding force of most families, is at the verge of collapse. Divorce rate is rising every day.  Some sociologist would attribute these changes to the availability of options, that is, some part of America have more women than men and in other part there are more men than women, but the internet and it technologies makes it easier for married people to be more promiscuous and made these options truly within reach.

In addition, a lot of children today would rather adhere to the lies they hear, watch, or read about, in the internet and it technologies than take the advice of their parents. For example, a typical American teen is ready to act like Lady Gaga anytime than to dress as modest as mama would want her to dress. 

Also, the internet has taken out the distinction between home and work. Today many American families have to put up with one or more of their family members who rather stay on the computer or phone all day transacting business or taking online classes, than spend quality family time with them. For these reasons, children are unconsciously made to learn these bad habits and adapt it as a way to raise their own children when they grow up.

In conclusion, technology is one of the greatest things that have ever happened to humans. However, the way and manner it is used determines the role it will play in one’s life. If one has a piece of these technologies, one has to learn how to set priorities in life because with great technology comes great responsibility.

Author: colinsnwafor

I love life. I always try to make my day as lovely as possible by putting smiles on people's faces. I believe that my face should be a mirror that reflects happiness and calm to everyone I come across. That is why I love smiling. I also believe that everyone plays a very important role in the society. The question is, "what role do you play?"

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